Months Gone By

This is how I have spent the last few years building up layers and exploring the nature of all things deer.

The romance of the chandelier becomes much more about line and delicate translucent layers.

"January" 2012 oil, acrylic gel gloss, paper on canvas 23"x 36 ”

  Little white flowers are just the right finishing touch.

"April" 2012 oil, acrylic gel gloss, paper on canvas 23"x 36 ”

All things covered, in the thicket. "April" 2011 oil, acrylic gel gloss, paper on canvas 23"x 36 ”


Elk Line in the Old Studio

Elk-line and Deer-pattern

Deer and elk are common creatures that penetrate our urbanized world. They are watchful; their gaze demands your attention in hopes that you, the viewer, will then follow them into their natural world. The path is not clear but blocked by layers of filigree and decorative distractions. I have been painting deer for the last four years. This series has evolved to be about the exploration of tension between layers of subject and background, space and pattern, hard and soft. Begging the questions: When does nature become over taken by artifice? When does art become decoration?